Resultados: 3

Impacts of pregnancy among quilombola adolescents

Abstract Objective: understand the impacts of pregnancy on the lives of quilombola adolescents. Method: this is a qualitative study using an exploratory descriptive design. Ten quilombola mothers who experienced pregnancy during adolescence participated in this study. Data were collected through semi-s...

Unplanned pregnancy in quilombola communities: perception of adolescents

ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the perception of adolescents living in Quilombola community regarding unplanned pregnancy and its repercussions on community life. Methodology: descriptive, qualitative research using the creative and sensitive method through the dynamics of creativity and sensitivity...

Significado da gravidez para a adolescente quilombola: um olhar etnográfico da enfermagem

Desde as últimas décadas, a gravidez na adolescência constitui um fenômeno de repercussão mundial, que vem aumentando progressivamente. Isto decorre de múltiplos fatores, entre os quais o desconhecimento dos métodos contraceptivos e a vulnerabilidade causada pela fase de crise da adolescência, de...